Derryinver Luxury Cruise (Luxy) is a 16.2hh registered Irish Sport Horse (Ire) / Irish Draught Sport Horse (Can) by Lux Z, out of Icing by Cruising standing at stud in Ontario, Canada, with reliable shipping throughout USA and Canada.

Luxy has had a successful international career in show jumping up to Grand Prix 1.55m, with wins and numerous top 5 placings. He represented at the Irish Studbook and placed at the World Breeders Federation for Sport Horses as a 6-year-old. His career included over 60 international level competitions in Europe.

In addition to his registration as an Irish Sport Horse in Ireland and cross-registered as an Irish Draught Sport Horse in Canada, he is also approved by the Anglo European Studbook and the Canadian Sport Horse Association. The CSHA awarded him Gold Premium status in show jumping. He is also approved by KWPN/NA as an affiliate stallion, meaning his foals are eligible for Register A papers with KWPN. His foals have also been successfully registered with Oldenburg and Westfalen, which approved a 2024 foal with premium status!

Luxy is 28% Irish Draught. He has 43% TB blood from his ISH 5* dam and Holsteiner sire. Luxy has the very best of Irish Draught, TB and Holsteiner bloodlines! His dam Icing is the top ranked Irish Sport Horse Mare in the World on Hippomundo (Proven mares by Black Type Offspring 25 years and younger) and is an ISH 5* Broodmare.

His dam Icing is by the legendry Irish Sport Horse stallion 'Cruising' who had wins in Grand Prix at Aachen (1999), Dortmund (1999), Lucerne (1998), San Marino (1996) and Wolfsburg (1996). He was the winner of three World Cup Qualifiers: Millstreet (1997, 1998) and Geneva (1998). Cruising was a successful sire of international jumpers and eventers. He has 220 recorded show jumping progeny competing at SjOW-1.70m and 51 Eventers at EvOW- 5* level.

Luxy's sire, Lux Z, is one of the most successful stallions in international show jumping. Lux Z’s progeny are competing in international show jumping, dressage, and eventing; he had 6 licensed sons. He has 690 show jumping progeny recorded at SjOW-1.70m and 41 Eventing progeny at EVRC5*.

Luxy was retired from high level competition when he was imported to North America as a breeding stallion. During his pre purchase he was confirmed fully sound with clean x-rays. Since 2020, in addition to his breeding commitments, Luxy lives at the family farm and continues to enjoy dressage, jumping and hacking. Luxy proves his versatility by going from an international level career with multiple professional riders followed by time bringing a youth up the levels, to his more recent life with his AA rider/owner.

Luxy is an impressive, strong jumper, with a heritage that has been proven in competition. He has dressage potential as well, as he is a lovely mover with an impressive uphill build and self-carriage.

He is an excellent choice for sport horse mares for Dressage, Show Jumping and Eventing. He has a world-class pedigree, superb temperament, first class movement, and stunning Irish looks. He is a dream to handle and ride for both the professional and amateur rider that speaks to his wonderful temperament, which he passes onto his offspring.

Derryinver Luxury Cruise

Luxy (19 yrs) and his AA owner/rider, October 2024

Stud Fees (2025 Season):

Live Foal Guarantee Contract: $1,850 CAD or $1,375 USD (approx.)

- New for 2025: stallion fee includes first collection.

Fresh cooled delivered throughout Canada and USA: Fresh cooled semen is available to clients across Canada and USA. Luxy's semen quality is excellent, with over 80% progressive motility. Shipping in Canada and USA is completed with Next Day Priority Shipping. Shipments into the USA can be driven over the border and shipped domestically with your carrier of choice or taken to an airport eliminating any border concerns.

Pedigree - Derryinver Luxury Cruise

Derryinver Luxury Cruise's sire is Lux Z, who was one of the most successful stallions in international show jumping, with winnings of over a million euro. Lux Z’s progeny are competing in international show jumping, dressage, and eventing; he has 6 licensed sons.

His dam, Icing, is a consistent producer of high-quality offspring. She is by the celebrated Cruising, a traditional Irish Sport Horse at the top level of international show jumping. Icing is the top ranked Irish Sport Horse Mare in the World on Hippomundo (Proven mares by Black Type Offspring 25 years and younger) and is an ISH 5* Broodmare.

Offspring of Derryinver Luxury Cruise

Derryinver Luxury Cruise has a few offspring born in 2016 in Ireland who are now competing 1.20m in show jumping.

Luxy's first foal crop in North America was born in 2021. They are now being started as sport horses and proving to be easy and very willing partners for their breeders and owners.

Cornascriebe Derryinver is from the first crop of foals in 2016 by Derryinver Luxury Cruise out of a Cavalier Royale mare.

At 4 years old., he was jumping 1m courses at home and competing in .80m classes. In Summer 2021, as a 5-year old gelding, he reached the finals of the youngster tour in Mullingar In 2021/22 at, he was competing at 1.10m.

Now an 8-year old, he is competing at 1.10m to 1.20m with wins and placings.

Cruising Over The River (Faith) is from the foal crop in 2016 in Ireland. She has a sweet temperament and is very athletic. She was introduced to jumping courses as a four year old.

In Summer 2021, as a 5-year old, she competed in her first registered show, placing 6th out of 41 competitors.

Faith's owner comments that she has tremendous scope and is competing at 1.20m.

Touch of Lux was born in April 2021 out of MFF Touch of Dutch. Touch of Lux was the first foal by Derryinver Luxury Cruise that was born in the USA.

In April 2022, Touch of Lux, “Morrigan” won her first USEA Future Event Horse (FEH) yearling class on an 80+.

In Spring 2023, Morrigan won the 2-year old Jump Chute class at the Young Horse Show Series in Texas and is showing herself to be a future Eventing star!

Cornascribe Derryinver: 2016 ISH Gelding

Cruising Over The River: 2016 ISH Mare

Touch of Lux: 2021 IDSH Filly

The Family Album: Parents and Grand Parents

Derryinver Luxury Cruise is a registered Irish Sport Grand Prix Show Jumping stallion, sired by Lux Z out of Icing by Cruising. Neither of these extraordinary sires need much introduction to the Show Jumping and Eventing worlds!

Luxy’s dam Icing was a prolific in hand show filly winner as a three year old. She was also the winner of the Four-year old Show Jumping Championship at Cavan, Ireland.

After proving herself as a s 6-year old, she had her first foal Derryinver Luxury Cruise. She has since gone on to produce many successful Irish Sport horses, as did her own dam Loughend Lady.

Derryinver Luxury Cruise was the first of Icing’s very long list of successful performance horses produced. As at the end of 2019, Icing was the highest ranked ISH mare in the Hippomundo rankings!

Cruising was a traditional Irish Sport Horse stallion and international Show Jumper. He was a consistent performer at the top level of international competition, winning many Grand Prix classes including World Cup Qualifiers at Millstreet and Geneva, He was also a team horse, winning Nations Cups in Dublin, Rotterdam, Calgary, Aachen and Modena.

Cruising is considered one of the worlds most significant sires of the 21st century. The stallion was for many years the predominant choice for many international breeders.

Cruising has progeny competing in Dressage, Eventing: (51 up to CCI5*), and Showjumping (218 up to 1.60m).

Lux Z is one of the most successful stallions in international showjumping. With Jerry Smit, Lux Z participated in the 2000 Sydney Olympics and he won the Pulsar Crown competitions in Valkenswaard and Cannes.

Lux Z not only produced foal class champions, mare class champions and FPP showjumping competition winners but also very promising sport horses. Progeny from his first season in Holstein were amongst others, the international showjumpers Gazelle d 'Aubry (Thomas Voss), Lux Can Do It (Tobias Bachl) and Lagunas (Ben Schröder). From his first breeding season in the Netherlands, Lux Z supplied five licensed sons, In addition to jumping ability, Lux Z also anchors his type and movements in his offspring.

Lux Z has progeny competing in Dressage (GP), Eventing (CCI5*) and 75 offspring in Showjumping (up to 1.60).

Dam: Icing 1.10m/Career Broodmare

Damsire: Cruising - 1.60m

Sire: Lux Z - 1.60m

Grandsire: Lord Colando

In addition to being the sire of Lux Z, Lord Calando is the sire of many international showjumping horses such as; Locanda (Marcus Ehning) and Lukas (Emma Wester). His dam Perra was bred at Zangersheide Stud Farm out of the Holstein mare Apocalypte Z (Ahorn Z). This famous Holstein family was also responsible for the licensed stallions Lavallo, Lasino and Lone Star.

After standing at the famous private stud farm of Maas J. Hell, Lord Calando made his move to the French National Stud.

Family Album:
Siblings of Derryinver Luxury Cruise

Derryinver Luxury

The dam of Derryinver Luxury Cruise is Icing. She is the #1 Hippomundo ranked Irish Sport Horse broodmare under 25 years of black type showumpers.

Derryinver Luxury Cruise was the first offspring of Icing. Since then she has gone on to produce another 16 foals.

Capeston Mr Darcy

True Grit: 1.60m

True Grit is a gelding out of Icing by Cruising and by Sir Shutterfly (Hanoverian) who has competed in Show Jumping up to 1.60m.

Quality Breeding
Exceptional Lineage

Non Stop III: 1.50m

Nonstop III is a mare out of Icing by Cruising, and by Clover Echo (ISH).

Dunaghmore: 1.60m

Dunaghmore is a gelding out of Icing by Cruising, and by Ustinov (KWPN).

Coachella: 1.40m

Coachella is a mare out of Icing by Cruising, and by Ustinov (KWPN).

Derryinver Truffle 1.50m

Derryinver Truffe is a gelding out of Icing by Cruising, and by Tornesch (KWPN)